Welcome to SYM!
We serve youth and young adults from age 13 until their 27th birthday
Mission & Vision
To provide youth and young adults in Seattle’s University District with life-skills, resources, and relationships that bring hope and healing to their lives and the community.
We are committed to:
Connecting through meaningful relationships. We honor the sacredness and uniqueness of the personal stories of young folks and seek to love them accordingly.
Partnering with our young people. We walk with them as they navigate the challenging structures of society. We use our resources and experience to help them achieve their goals and stability. We grieve with them when they fail and delight with them when they succeed. We provide opportunities for adventure that build community and self-esteem, practice basic skills, and expand their worldview.
Affirming their inherent worth. We communicate through our words and actions their worthiness of fulfillment and belonging. We recognize the importance of diversity of thought, life experience and identity, and champion diverse representation in our Drop-in clientelle and team.
SYM’s Impact
–To read more about our impact in the university district, click on the report below
“In a world so torn apart by rivalry, anger, and hatred, we have the privileged vocation to be living signs of a love that can bridge all divisions and heal all wounds.”
— HENRI NOUWEN, Dutch Priest and Theologian

History and continued aim
Over 1,043 young people are living on the streets of King County on any given night. For a number of reasons, every one of them tragic, young people brave the exposure and danger of the streets nightly, working hard to meet their needs in Seattle’s public spaces.
It is a common misconception that youth have the support and skills needed to find employment and housing, but for the majority of the young people we see, this is not the case. The underlying causes of youth homelessness include family conflict, learning disabilities, parental mental illness and/or substance abuse, neglect, and physical and sexual abuse. Many of these young people have never experienced healthy adult relationships.
Motivated by God’s love for all people, SYM’s aim since 1993 has been to build relationships with youth, teach them how to do life and affirm their inherent worth, so they can experience stability and healing.