'Tis the season!

THANK YOU for visiting SYM's Ways to Give Page!

You've taken the first step to blessing a homeless young person this holiday season. Below, you'll find some tangible options:


Option 1: a Financial Gift






Option 2: an in-kind donation (See our updated wishlist below to find out which particular items we're in need of this holiday season)

You can bring any of these items to the University Presbyterian Church kiosk, or contact Rowena Harper for more information on SYM's needs:


206.524.7301 x111



Option 3You can make SYM your Amazon Smile charity of choice

It's easy! 

Just go to https://smile.amazon.com/ and sign into your amazon account. Then type "Street Youth Ministries Seattle" into the organization search bar, and select Street Youth Ministries as your charity of choice! When you make purchases through smile.amazon.com*, a portion of every purchase will be donated to SYM! 

(*Please note: you must go through smile.amazon.com if you want the purchase to count; purchases made through just amazon.com will not benefit SYM!)


However you choose to give, know that you're supporting SYM's mission of providing homeless and at-risk youth with resources, personal relationships, valuable life-skills and healthy community. Your donation helps bring hope and healing to the lives of young people - THANK YOU!

Kaylyn Springer