Dear Friend of Street Youth Ministries (SYM),
At SYM, my desk faces the entrance to our office. I get to observe the comings and goings of youth who visit for various things — IDs, eyeglasses, mail, housing needs, employment help, or to simply sit, have a cup of tea, and chat for a bit. Our staff members greet each young person with warmth, a name, and a sense of being known. It happens every day, and for me, it’s a joy to witness.
Just like when folks arrived for our monthly cooking class last week. Our dear volunteer, Tracy, had prepared early by making turkey and homemade cranberry sauce. She then taught a group of youth how to mash potatoes, mix stuffing, and create a crispy green bean casserole. Micailah, our volunteer coordinator, shares what happened next:
When all of the dishes were warming in the oven, we decided on a whim to make our Thanksgiving lunch special. We cleaned the table, and then without any prompting, we all set the table. Someone grabbed plates, another cups, forks, knives, and napkins. I ran to the craft closet and grabbed orange paper. Hailey found the gourds leftover from Halloween and some candles.
We brought over the warm thanksgiving meal, and everyone filled their plates. We all sat, taking it all in. Then, out of nowhere, one young person, “Leo,” asked if he could pray.
In a beautiful moment, he said, “Dear Creator of everything, thank you for this food and this time together. Thank you for SYM, for building this community.”
It felt like a holy space — sharing a meal with people from completely different backgrounds and stories. Everyone was thankful for this one organization that brought us together.
I’ve been at SYM for 15 years and believe that this IS a holy space. A space where relationships are built, community is nurtured, work gets done, and change happens. A mentor once told me that “Jesus is manifest in relationship.” So true! As I consider the manner in which our staff interact and care so intentionally for the youth who enter this space, I can’t help but see Jesus in it all.
It is the Creator of everything who is building this place, the relationships that happen here, and the impact it has on all who enter it. In 2019, SYM impacted over 500 youth. Your gifts of time, prayer and financial resources made this possible. Thank you!
Will you consider making a generous year-end gift to SYM by December 31? A group of SYM board members and friends have put together a matching gift of $45,000 which means every gift given between now and December 31st will be doubled! Every gift makes a difference as we care for youth in tangible and meaningful ways each day.
Joy to you this Christmas,
Rowena and the SYM Team
P.S. It’s easy to give using the enclosed envelope or by visiting us online at